Dr. Salman Akhtar is a Professor of Psychiatry at Jefferson Medical College and a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia. For the last 9 years, he has also served as Scholar-In-Residence for InterAct, guest speaking during the Speaker Sunday post-show discussion series for almost every production since the 2000/2001 Season began.
In honor of Dr. Salman Akhtar's 10th Season, InterAct's Producing Artisic Director Seth Rozin writes:
On a whim, in September of 2000, I contacted Dr. Salman Akhtar to be a speaker following one of our performances of NIXON’S NIXON. I had seen Akhtar’s endorsement on the back of a book called A Psychoanalisis of Richard Nixon and noticed he worked for the Psychoanalytic Institute of Philadelphia. I had no idea at the time that Dr. Akhtar was such a widely acclaimed, world renowned clinical psychiatrist, educator and author. Nine years later he has spoken at more than 25 performances, treating our audiences and artists alike to brilliant insights about the plays we’ve produced. Still, I had no idea just how important a figure Dr. Akhtar has been. Until last week, when I was invited to the unveiling of his portrait at Jefferson University, where he has been a professor for thirty years. I learned that Dr. Akhtar is the author and/or editor of thirty books about psychoanalysis, as well as six volumes of his own poetry. I learned that he is regularly invited to speak around the world about such epic topics as war, religion and cultural evolution. I learned that he has influenced two generations of psychoanalysts worldwide. And there in the program, at the end of his very impressive bio, he lists himself as Scholar-in-Residence at InterAct Theatre Company.
I cannot tell you how honored I feel to have had Salman as part of the InterAct family. In addition to his generous contribution to InterAct, he has become a cherished friend and colleague. On behalf of all of us at InterAct I want to congratulate Salman on his extraordinary achievements and for making the world a decidedly better place.
- Seth Rozin
Dr. Salman Akhtar will be the featured guest at the Speaker Sunday post-show discussion following the 2:00 p.m. matinee performance of THE ELABORATE ENTRANCE OF CHAD DEITY on Sunday, November 15.
Find out more about Dr. Salman Akhtar here
Get your tickets to InterAct's CHAD DEITY here
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